“It is because of Leah’s vision that the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Science agents have a quality publication that they can be proud of and that they can distribute throughout the state. Even after she stepped down from the board and turned the newsletter solely over to the agents, the publication has continued. This speaks volumes about her leadership skills and about her ability to guide others so that projects are sustainable long after she has moved on. Her work in packaging and positioning Successful Family has resulted in North Carolina Extension having a high quality product and recognizable brand that has served the two major universities (N.C. State and N.C. A&T State University) well over the years.
Sally McNeill, RD, LDN, N.C. Cooperative Extension
Another award-winning effort that was founded by Leah brought together family and consumer science professionals across North Carolina. This effort focused on an educational newsletter distributed statewide and learning centers (with displays and other materials) at special events across the state. It also has resulted in numerous cooperative efforts to market educational programs designed to improve the quality of life for North Carolina citizens. Leah established an advisory board to provide leadership and to guide the statewide effort.